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The Mandarin consonant sounds zh, ch, and sh are similar to English's "j," "ch," and "sh" sounds, but not exactly the same. The beginner will find this approximation perfectly serviceable, but the serious student will want to refine his pronunciation of these consonants eventually.
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ZH is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. ZH - What does ZH stand for? The Free Dictionary. Zh (digraph), a digraph in some languages, such as Albanian, Uyghur (Uyghur Latin script) and Chinese (pinyin) Ž, a letter in the Latin script Zhe (Cyrillic) (Ж), a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet Ezh (ʒ), a letter sometimes represented by the digraph "zh" ZH abbreviation. Define ZH at AcronymFinder.com. Printer friendly. Menu Search.
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ZH is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms. ZH - What does ZH stand for? The Free Dictionary.
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