Iexec rlc coinmarketcap
RLC (RLC) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $1.9900, total supply 86,999,784.986845492, number of holders 19,824 and updated information of the token. The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data.
It's currently traded on 7 exchange(s) and has 11 active market(s), the top two exchange pairs are tether The iExec decentralized marketplace is where offer meets demand for computing power. It is a global and open market where computing power can be traded as a commodity. According to iExec RLC trading volume for the past 24 hours is $16 512 946 that constitutes the increase from the previous day. The current tendencies with regard to changes in the average trading volume reveal the increasing demand for RLC tokens on the backdrop of the decreasing supply of the corresponding cryptocurrency.
I don't see how this will necessarily translate to an increase in value of the RLC token. This isn't like a stock market where the token value is based on real work valuation of the company, rather the token is a method of exchange for the IExec framework or service. iExec RLC (RLC) Ranked 95 in Coin Market Daddy Currencies Index. iExec RLC (RLC) price is $2.11. It has a current circulating supply of 80,070,793 RLC and a Marketcap of $28.51M. $364.32K worth of iExec RLC (RLC) has been traded in the past 24 hours.
RLC Price Live Data. Il prezzo odierno di The live . è di €1.78 EUR con un volume di trading in 24 ore di €24,112,472 EUR. iExec RLC ha registrato un aumento del 0.96% nelle ultime 24 ore.. L'attuale posizione in classifica su CoinMarketCap è #173, con una capitalizzazione di mercato pari a €142,804,226 EUR Ha un'offerta circolante pari a 80,070,793 RLC. e la fornitura massima non è
Marketcap: $79 million. Token Distribution: 69% released About RLC. iExec claims to have developed the first decentralized marketplace for cloud computing resources.
iExec RLC. RLC. ₩224,771,615,211. ₩2,807.16. 80,070,793 RLC *. ₩ 31,086,249,740. 3.92%. 18.83%. 59.22%. 161. Injective Protocol. INJ. ₩ 218,174,171,933.
iexec-rlc iExec RLC(RLC)$0.858.55%. Hebdo Crypto #35 – les actualités de la semaine des cryptomonnaies. 17 février 2019 à 11:30. Le 17/02. iExec (RLC) annonce une v4 plus scalable, rapide et iExec (RLC) annonce son partenariat avec Rootstock (RSK). 16 mai 2018 à 18: 15. Sie können NEO ganz einfach bei Bitvavo kaufen oder an der vertrauenswürdigen Bitvavo-Börse handeln (Coinmarketcap).
Как создать кошелек или карту для iExec RLC (RLC) и переводить с них средства.
More specifically, RLC is an ERC-20 compliant digital asset. RLC can be easily and securely stored, transferred, traded and divided as well as used to make transactions. Read the latest posts on the CoinMarketCap blog. How Many iExec RLC (RLC) Are There in Circulation? IExec RLC (RLC) is a cryptocurrency on the Ethereum platform.
11,003,171 RLC. 80,070,793 RLC. 1637-price-graph. 52. Chromia. 8일 전. 162. iExec RLC · RLC/BTC. ₩73,372,884.
iExec RLC (RLC) price is $2.11. It has a current circulating supply of 80,070,793 RLC and a Marketcap of $28.51M. $364.32K worth of iExec RLC (RLC) has been traded in the past 24 hours. iExec RLC (RLC) currency type is token (Ethereum). RLC trading is available in number of exchanges. 4.0k members in the iexec community.
RLC was issued in a limited supply. iExecRLC USD (RLC-USD). CCC - CoinMarketCap. Currency in USD. CCC - CoinMarketCap. Currency in BTC. CoinMarketCap iExec RLC (RLC) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform. iExec RLC has a iExec RLC is a well-known cryptocurrency that trades using the ticker symbol RLC. It uses blockchain and operates using a scheme for mining new coins. IExec RLC Web Presence.
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Read the latest posts on the CoinMarketCap blog. How Many iExec RLC (RLC) Are There in Circulation? IExec RLC (RLC) is a cryptocurrency on the Ethereum platform. More specifically, RLC is an ERC-20 compliant digital asset. RLC can be easily and securely stored, transferred, traded and divided as well as used to make transactions.
The total coin supply of iExec RLC is 86999784 RLC and is with Market cap of $94,418,016.00. Today iExec RLC price change is with (3.74%). $8,025,111.5 worth of iExec RLC ( RLC ) has been traded in the past 24 hours. RLC is the native token of the iExec cloud platform. In exchange for RLC tokens, users can utilize the network to rent servers, data and applications.